Wednesday, November 12, 2008

R & R

Well hello all! November is here and John has come home for R&R and now he is back in Iraq! Things have been so busy! We have two new dogs, Hunter is gone as of now it breaks my heart but I don't know what else to do! I know everyone is thinking it was the new puppies that sent him running but it wasn't! Hunter has always had a running streak he just failed to be caught or return this time. He has been gone three days! I miss him very much. The girls miss him too. I hate that Asher did not get to know him, Hopefully he will be returned to us soon. Anyway back to our recent vacation if you can call it that, we were so busy there was not much time to spend at home. Before John came home, me ant the kids traveled to Arkansas to see the other kids, then on to Tennessee to my grandpa's house and pick up John when he flew in. We stayed in Tenn. a week, My parents came up on Friday to see us and Asher. My dad hadn't seen him yet. Then we drove back to Arkansas so John and Hayden could spend some time together. All in all we got about a week at home but most of those days were busy with some activity with the church! Was a full time and a busy three weeks! It was wonderful to see John and the girls were connected to him the whole time. As I was writing this I got a package in the mail from him from the Dallas Fort Worth Airport. Apparently the USO there has a reading room and lets the deployed soldiers pick books out and record them reading them to their children! So I now have a DVD for the kids to watch everyday of Papa reading books to them! What a blessing! We made some tapes of him reading the Bible to them at night before he left but our Tape thing does not work right for our Camcorder tapes??? Anyway that is a wonderful blessing! My husband is the best in the whole world he is so thoughtful! The kids will love it so much! Before he left the girls and I went and got our hair cut. I will post some pictures soon! John took over a thousand pictures while on leave and they are all on his laptop so he has to download them and send them to me! The puppies names are Pupcake(strawberry shortcakes dogs name) and Mocha! Very interesting puppies. They are pretty good for puppies. John even let us have them, boy he is changing! God is working on him and us! Things here are good other then having to let him go again we are all good!

1 comment:

Mary said...

You are one crazy lady to get TWO puppies while you have so many children and a deployed husband. Are you just not busy enough?? LOL!




Asher Alan McBride

Azarias McBride