Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Funny video

This is funny! I was videoing Asher after his bath, Yes I video as much as I can for John while he is not here. I moved the camera and Asher was following me seemingly telling me off while following the camera with his eyes and head! He is too cute!
It is very late and we had thunder storms tonight. I could hear the girls talking in the bed room while I was unwinding watching TV, well mostly flipping channels, I don't watch much I like to flip channels. I detest commercials. Anyway The girls heard the thunder and used it as an excuse to come out and hang out with me. They like to watch Jon and Kate plus eight and it is on late at night here so I let them lay with me on the couch and watch it until Midnight. Sounds bad huh but with John gone they seem to need more time with me then normal so with no real reason for a schedule I figured what could it hurt! They were really sweet just laying on me and watching TV. They stay so busy during the day they only really spend time with me when their hurt or sick or tired. So it was fun to just watch TV together. They are getting so big Ananiah is pretty self sufficient she even works the microwave and gets her own food! I think back on when she was little like Asher and miss her sweet babyness! Now she is too smart and always busy! Adina is getting there even faster then Ananiah! She wants me some days but most days I am there only to help her get things when she is too lazy to do it herself. She does not want help most days and they both talk like they are teenagers. They want makeup and nail polish, lipstick, and to go all athe time. Where did the young years go? The one thing they do that I love is they still play in the dirt and I love that it shows me they don't need toys all the time. Well I am going to go to bed and hope they sleep in since they were up so late!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Asher Update

Asher is getting so big. He is making allot more noise now, He has laughed and he hollars when he is not getting attention. He smiles at the girls when they talk to him. He loves to hear and see what is going on! He is a very content and happy baby! If I put him in his swing he can sit in it for hours. I lay him on the floor on a blanket and he will just lay there and kick his feet. He sits in his car seat at the church most of the time and just watches what is going on! He is a wonder and I love to hold him and play with him! He is getting so big though and trying to sit up. He does not like to lay flat he will lift his head and try to pull himself up so he can see what his sisters are doing. I need to get him one of those rubber chairs that help them sit up! He laughed at me the other day when I was playing with him. He had his first bowl of cereal on saturday. He is eating so much I could not keep up and he seems to always be hungery and not sleeping through the night completely yet. So I fed him so cereal! He slept longer then his normal time but not through the night! Yawn! I guess that is why I am so tired. Anyway he is a wonderful baby and we are blessed to have him!




Asher Alan McBride

Azarias McBride