Friday, August 29, 2008

The 29th

Ananiah, Alex (friend), Adina and Asher went out to a friends ranch outside of town today! Of course I took them hehehe! We had a good time they got to ride a horse Roper, and feed a bottle to a calf. Asher did not ride of course but when he gets big enough we will be riding with him! The girls are already asking for a horse! Anyway things around here are going well! the girls are so funny! Ananiah is a big helper she helps with her brother and helps me around the house too. She likes to hold the baby monitor when he is sleeping in the bed room, she calls it the baby thermonitor. It is really cute. We had a really good time. John called while we were there so he got to hear their excitement. The picture of Asher holding the calfs bottel I thought was so cute.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ashers Smile

Crazy girls and sweet little man!

Well I am now 31 years old and I don't feel a day over 25! Which is good right or am I in denial! That is most likely the case since I have had three children since I was 25! LOL Anyway John called on my birthday which was great! the kids behaved ok and I got to go shopping and out to dinner at Red Lobster! It was fun! I spent time with my favorite people (other then my hubby who is my favorite over everyone) and had a wonderful day! Thank you Lord for the people in my life! I really don't feel older then 25 I am not sure why that number is stuck in my head if you catch me off guard I will even tell you that is my age! Which it is not! HEHEHE! I kept wanting to say it was my 25th birthday when people asked! It always takes me a minute to remember which year it is!
The children are doing well! Asher is rolling over, cooing, and smiling alot! If you leave him on his stomache he pushes himself around with his feet! We found that out the hard way if you remember! He is a wonderfully happy baby and a true blessing!
Ananiah has decided she is going to be too grown up to be diciplined! She gets major ATTITUDE when I try to help her or ask her to help me if she does nto want to do it! Where did my swet baby girl go? She still helps out and if I play with any other child she wants me to play with her and not them! But when I start messing with her she is too busy for it and does not feel like playing! She has gotten to grownup! She will still help me out when it is her idea! We have started working on a chore chart and she likes to do that and move the pieces on it when she has competed an item! She is really getting so big!
Adina is not sure if she wants to be a big girl or momma's baby! I keep telling her she is a big girl, but I am not sure she is buying it! She likes to do things herself, mostly stuff she can not do by herself! But the things I know she can do she wants help with! She does not like the chore chart and likes to go mess around when I tell her to do things! I have had to crack down on them both quite a bit now that John is not here to help me. They both like to push my buttons especially when I am nursing Asher. They are both very sweet at bed time though, they love to talk about their Papa, and read his letters to them over and over especially at bed time! I know it is a stall tatic so they don't get to read it every night but most nights we read them.
John is doing well he appericates the letters and cards everyone has sent, Thank you all very much for your prayers and letters! John has written some of you and is going to write some more letters soon! He is working on getting better about it! I need to be better about it too! Those of you that sent gifts for Asher Thank you very much!!! Well I am tired and it is bed time here so good night everyone!




Asher Alan McBride

Azarias McBride