Saturday, April 12, 2008

Paint ball fun!!

Hello all well today was a very interesting day. The Youth group went out to play paint ball at a local paint ball place. Well of course I am huge and we always take our girls with us on most youth activities, so there we are the four of us with five youth and three other adults! I did get to shoot a few kids. I even shot a few adults! Ananiah got to shoot the paint ball gun she loved it thought she was big stuff! John and I determined our kids already think they are part of the youth group, but they are going to think they are teen agers way before their time!!! They already act way to old for their ages! Anyway I did not get shot by any paint balls, neither of the girls did either. They had a good timing playing in the dirt and fields out there and watching their Papa shoot and get shot!! We all had a very interesting day and enjoyed it very much!!!

On another Note John has passed his PC ride(Pilot in Command) So now he is capable of being the pilot in charge of the flights! It sounds less impressive when I am writing it but he really has worked hard for this! He has been behind in flight time due to his commander and those in charg giving him way to many extra duties including the EOC duty where he had to deal with the fallen soldiers families and help them through all the red tape the military has! He was away with that for almost three months! He lost alot of flight time when he was away! So he is trying to catch up now! Well please be praying for him on his flying and his work with the Church, they both keep him very busy!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Congrats John on making PC!! That's VERY exciting news! Jay has yet to make it so I know how great that is!




Asher Alan McBride

Azarias McBride