Friday, March 27, 2009


Well the end of march is coming fast and there have been so many changes! I have not really had time to get on here and write anything! I am struggling to remember everything that has happened since we came home! Well in the last post I mentioned Ashers fevers! He had them for going on three weeks! I took him to the Doctor many times and to no avail there seemed to be no other symptoms? He is much better now! We found out he has double ear infections and thrush! Fun stuff! Our regular doctor found some white stuff growing in his throat and it seems to be why he was not eating very much for some time! Well he is getting bigger fast now he is back to eating everything! He now has five teeth! The upper three came in only a few days apart! With being sick having three teeth come in and ear infections he was not a happy camper! He seems to be getting back to normal now! I am trying to ween him now and he is not happy about that but so many teeth and he is quite strong willed, which is becoming apparent. Well Now on to his sisters! They love to make Asher laugh and they have a tendancy to be a bit rough with him, but the louder and rougher they are the funnier he seems to think it is! Adina is three now she just had her birthday and she is growing so fast! She is counting to 12 well and knows all her colors and her letters. She follows Ananiah around and they play so well together! They like to have their friends over so at any given time I have one or two extra kids running around! Wed. night I had five little girls here and two baby boys. Asher is much bigger then his cousin Ezra but they are both sooo cute! Well it is bed time now an dI will try to update you more on the whole clan! We miss the two big kids since we did not get to see them this spring break but I guess we will have to wait until summer! Teenagers now and too busy for us! LOL! Oh well keep Hayden in yoru prayers he busted his head open again! not the first time and I am sure not the last he is fine not even enough of a cut for more then two staples! Ananiah is singing everything and even learning new sons everyday! She loves to sing all the time! The MP3 players they got for Christmas are getting good use!




Asher Alan McBride

Azarias McBride